Energy Resilience
and Demand
Block Teaching Week
Students embarking on the ERBE CDT PhD programme are required to attend a block teaching week at the beginning of their PhD journey. During this week, academic staff from across the CDT contribute to delivering a series of presentations and workshops, giving the students a broad overview of the topics encompassed by the ERBE CDT remit. There are also guest lectures from external speakers and site visits. The students undertake a group activity during the week and present their outputs on the final day to members of the ERBE staff team. First-year students from UCL, MaREI and Loughborough University all attend this intensive residential block week, it is an opportunity to get to know other students within the cohort as well as having a taste of what’s to come in the rest of the PhD programme.
During the block teaching week that took place in September 2021, we invited Tale Productions Ltd in to produce high-quality videos of the lectures that were delivered. The videos can be accessed below and we hope that people from a wide range of backgrounds will find them informative.