Name & Institution
Dr David Allinson, Building Energy Research Group, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University.
What is your research area?
I combine measurement and modelling techniques to evaluate the energy, thermal, and moisture performance of buildings.
What attracted you to working with the ERBE CDT?
The ERBE CDT is addressing one of the most important topics of our time, and the students and staff are an inspiring group of people to work with.
Where do you see the significance of this research?
For me, the significance of the research is in transforming the performance of our buildings for a healthy, sustainable, and zero-carbon future.
What’s the biggest learning you have had so far in your research and academic experience?
The importance of a socio-technical approach to understanding the performance of buildings – people are important and technical solutions do not work in isolation.
What advice would you give to someone considering a PhD?
Pick a topic that you find fascinating and go for it!
What is your favourite quote to work and live by?
Life is about the people you meet and the things you achieve together.

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