LGBT+ History month is an annual event which is observed in a number of countries across the world, including the UK and Ireland during the month of February. Professor Brian Ó Gallachóir, MaREI Centre Director, shares the following words in support of the month:
The ERBE Centre for Doctoral Training is delighted to mark the start of LGBT+ History Month 2022, a month-long, annual, celebration and remembrance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history. We strive to promote equality, diversity and inclusion amongst our PhD students and supervisors, and more broadly in energy and buildings research. LGBT+ History Month promotes the welfare of the community, the idea that all who belong to the community can contribute to society, lead fulfilled lives and benefit themselves and others
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is a core part of the CDT activity and our ERBE EDI Plan aims to not only develop a positive and inclusive working environment for staff and students within the CDT, but to have a positive impact on organisations beyond ERBE.
More information about LGBT+ History Month can be found here:
Specific information about LGBT+ History Month activities taking place at UCL and Loughborough University can be found here:
Additionally, the following staff and student LGBT+ networks can be accessed across the CDT institutions:
- Loughborough University: LGBT+ Staff Network; LGBT+ Student’s Association
- UCL: Out@UCL (LGBT+ Staff social network); Student’s Union LGBT+ Network
- MaREI: University College Cork LGBT+ Staff Network; UCC LGBT+ Society; National University of Galway Ireland LGBT+ Staff and Students