ERBE Deputy Director, Dr. David Allinson: “Life is about the people you meet and the things you achieve together”

Countryside with wind turbine

Name & Institution Dr David Allinson, Building Energy Research Group, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University. What is your research area? I combine measurement and modelling techniques to evaluate the energy, thermal, and moisture performance of buildings. What attracted you to working with the ERBE CDT? The ERBE CDT is addressing one …

The Socio-Technical Context of Building Energy Research

On 3rd February 2021, doctoral researchers from the Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy (MaREI), University College London (UCL) and Loughborough University (LU) on the Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Resilience and the Built Environment (ERBE CDT) course came together for ERBE’s second annual mini conference online organised by UCL, LU and MaREI.  The theme of the conference was …

ERBE Block Week 2020 – Students Perspective by Shahnewaz Siddiqque

Shahnewaz Siddiqque, ERBE CDT Student in University College Cork, MaREI: “It’s been a year since I became a part of ERBE CDT and the journey can’t be more interesting to me as a Ph.D. student with lots of new experiences and exposure. Recently, I participated in the ERBE annual event called “The Block Week “. …

Orlaith McGinley wins Best Student Paper in Energy at the recent Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2020 conference

Orlaith McGinley, MaREI ERBE PhD Student in NUI Galway won an Award for Best Student Paper in Energy at the recent Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2020 conference. Paper Title: Key considerations in the design of a One-Stop-Shop retrofit model. Overview of the paper – This paper provided a definition of the One-Stop-Shop model, highlighted its benefits and how it …

LoLo ERBE Student Conference 2020 – a one of a kind online conference

The 7th Annual LoLo ERBE Student Conference took place on Tuesday 26th May, held this year on Zoom rather than at UCL as planned due to the Covid-19 restrictions. While the format was adapted for online delivery, we were able to welcome 100 participants worldwide to listen to student speakers from the UK, Ireland and Colombia. As …

LoLo-ERBE Annual Student-Led Conference on the 26th of May 2020

Countryside with wind turbine

The 7th annual ERBE LoLo joint student conference will explore the global energy future and its challenges and opportunities. It will bring together some of the world’s best research students and early-career researchers in the field of energy demand and aims to set the scene for the future research landscape that we will all be …

ERBE at Loughborough welcomes its new Academic Manager

ERBE staff at Loughborough, UCL and at MaREI are pleased to welcome back an old friend, Dr Arash Beizaee, as the new Academic Manager for ERBE in Loughborough. Arash is well known to Loughborough staff and students as he was one of the earliest graduates of the London-Loughborough (LoLo) CDT in Energy Demand. His PhD project …